Mission & Purpose
Conscious coaching is built for those who are ready to help others on their journey. You have this idea-and you are eager to get it out there. This is a business idea you want to bring to life. Or maybe you have brought it to life yet you still feel stuck. You are still struggling somewhere. It may be emotionally, financially, or physically. You know you have the ability to feel better in yourself- and in your business. You feel like you're doing all the things, yet the needle isn't moving.
You sit there at night staring at the mountain to-do list and you just feel lost.
At times you doubt yourself. You doubt your original belief.
You think it may be easier to just walk away and pretend this calling within will just go away.
Secretly, you kind of hope it will just go away so you don't have to deal with it.
You doubt you'll ever have what it takes.
Sometimes, you question everything.
There is just not enough time or money.
It feels overwhelming and underwhelming at the same time.
You're not sure if you can show up as your fully expansive and epic being.
In this course we let go of the way we’re taught to approach your brand and business idea or venture.We don’t settle on someone else’s idea of how to get your desires.This course is built to raise the frequency in yourself AND your business. Learn how to bridge these principles and watch the magic take hold in your life.
Lauren was called to start teaching this course after working the "old fashioned" way for years. She wasn't enjoying what she was doing and felt superficial in what she was helping her clients achieve.
So Lauren decided to drop out of her heads and into her soul.
This led to a break through- what became the creation of:Conscious Coaching.
This is a 13 week mentorship where you are completely supported in order to get fully aligned with yourself so that you can apply soul led strategy into your business (& life.)
And then reap the benefits.
There are weekly calls to really help you stick with it, and apply all the principles taught in the course. These calls are all recorded so you can keep them. Along with built in course work, and soul support that is yours for life. These are tools you can come back to over and over again whenever you feel stuck, or out of alignment in any area.
If you're sick of feeling less than, or feeling constantly stuck in the struggle/hustle than this was built with you specifically in mind.
Stop feeling weighed down by demands, and start feeling lit up and ready to shine your light.